With workflows created by jira agile the descriptions of the post functions are referencing the java objects instead of the descriptions, please see the attached screenshot.
- JIRA Software Scrum Default Workflow
Steps to Reproduce
- Select Manage Boards
- Create Board
- Create a Scrumb board
- New project and a new board
- Fill in Board / Project name
- Select *Agile Simplified Workflow (reocmmended)
- Create Board
- Go to workflow for this newly created project
- Select a transition
- check the Post Functions
Expected Results
A description of the post functions.
Actual Results
The following will be processed after the transition occurs
- Type: class
Class: com.atlassian.jira.workflow.function.issue.UpdateIssueFieldFunction
Arguments: = resolution
field.value =
- Type: class
Class: com.atlassian.jira.workflow.function.issue.UpdateIssueStatusFunction
- Add a comment to an issue if one is entered during a transition.
- Type: class
Class: com.atlassian.jira.workflow.function.issue.GenerateChangeHistoryFunction
- Re-index an issue to keep indexes in sync with the database.
- Type: class
Class: com.atlassian.jira.workflow.function.event.FireIssueEventFunction
eventTypeId = 13

For Jira administrator:
- If you need to edit the generated workflow, create your own workflow instead of editing or copying the generated workflow
For system administrator:
- Stop JIRA
- Make sure to backup data just in case
- Fix the descriptor
- For instance:
$ W_ID="10200" # Change this value as the affected workflow ID
$ psql ... -d ${DB_NAME} -c "Copy (select descriptor from jiraworkflows where id = ${W_ID}) To STDOUT;" > descriptor_${W_ID}.xml
# Edit the xml file (Remove '\n' and the redundant line breaks)
$ psql ... -c "update jiraworkflows set descriptor = '$(cat descriptor_${W_ID}.xml)' where id = ${W_ID}" ${DB_NAME}
- Start JIRA
- Verify the affected workflow is fixed (Discard the draft workflow if exists)
afb6234f8e80 Is the fix only visible in the newly created workflows, or is there some sort of conversion available for the old ones?