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  1. Jira Software Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-17392 Team-managed software projects
  3. JSWCLOUD-17157

Ability to manage notifications in Next-gen projects


    • Icon: Sub-task Sub-task
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • None
    • next-gen
    • None

      Status Update 11th May 2020

      Hello Everyone,

      We are happy to announce that the ability to customize the configuration of email notifications on next-gen projects is now available on all JSW and JSD next-gen projects. 

      More details can be found at https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-articles/Announcement-Project-Level-Email-Notifications-for-next-gen/ba-p/1374538

      We hope this enables our customers to further optimize which email notifications are sent out to users and we look forward to your feedback.


      Thank you!
      Arjoon Som
      Senior Product Manager


      Status Update 9th September 2019

      Hi everyone,

      My name's Shweta and I'm a Product Manager working on improving Jira's email notification experience. As a part of that, we had rolled out the new batched experience (https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirasoftwarecloud/blog/2019/02/jira-emails-are-changing?_ga=2.173668899.1017345967.1562555521-706473354.1537750122)  - to reduce the number of emails you get. 

      Our team is currently working through providing notification settings to all users.  We've already gotten a bunch of awesome responses the surveys and feedback we've asked through this issue. The good news is we have our first version of that ready to be tested. 
      If you have some time, it'll be great if you can test out the first settings we've built out. It's still in Beta and your feedback can help improve it further. You can sign up for the Beta here - https://forms.gle/g6Qqt3dkC7eMB1mA8

      Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  



      Problem definition

      Currently managing notifications or accessing to notification scheme is not available in next-gen projects. All users involved in the issues (e.g Watcher, Assignee and Reporter) are receiving email notifications for all updates, and admins are unable to add more recipients or customise the notifications for existing recipients.

      Resolution suggested

      Provide the ability to manage notifications in next-gen projects.

            dc7c78296a7c Arjoon Som
            grahimi Yahya (Inactive)
            602 Vote for this issue
            300 Start watching this issue
