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  1. Jira Service Management Data Center
  2. JSDSERVER-7221

Sometimes "Help and instructions" section breaks layout in portal


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • 4.19.0
    • 4.15.0, 4.13.4
    • Customer Portal

      Issue Summary

      When users browses in some environment, "Help and instructions" section breaks the layout in the portal.
      In "Help and instructions" section in portal, the element word-wrap: break-word; in CSS is configured, but sometimes breaking the layout.

      `word-wrap: break-word;` 

      Steps to Reproduce

      Browser: Mac Google Chrome 89.0.4389.90(Official Build) (x86_64)
      JSM: Jira Service Management 4.13.4

      Step 1

      Configure "Help and instructions" in the portal with the following sentence

      JiraServiceDeskJiraServiceDeskJiraServiceDeskJiraServiceDeskJiraServiceDeskJiraServiceDeskJiraServiceDeskJiraServiceDeskJiraServiceDeskJiraServiceDeskJiraServiceDeskJiraServiceDeskJiraServiceDeskJiraServiceDeskJiraServiceDeskJiraServiceDesk JiraServiceDeskJiraServiceDeskJiraServiceDeskJiraServiceDeskJiraServiceDeskJiraServiceDeskJiraServiceDeskJiraServiceDeskJiraServiceDeskJiraServiceDeskJiraServiceDeskJiraServiceDeskJiraServiceDeskJiraServiceDeskJiraServiceDeskJiraServiceDesk

      Step 2

      Browse portal.

      When changed browser's windows size, sometimes fixed.

      • width: 800px(Bad)
      • width: 750px(Good)

      Expected Results

      • The element `break word` in CSS works correctly without breaking the layout in the portal.

      Actual Results

      • Sometimes "Help and instructions" section breaks the layout in the portal.


      • Change browser window size
      • Change the sentence in "Help and instructions", and avoid using long words.

            11483abddbe2 Guillaume (Inactive)
            ff3967e4ed5f Ryoji Takata (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
