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  1. Jira Service Management Data Center
  2. JSDSERVER-6413

When Service Desk is integrated with Confluence 6.15.4, knowledge base articles can't be open from the Customer Portal (error 404)


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Not a bug
    • Icon: Low Low
    • None
    • 3.15.3, 4.1.0, 3.16.3, 4.2.1
    • Knowledge Base
    • None

      Reason for the closure of this bug ticket:

      We identified that the bug was on the Confluence side, and is tracked in https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONFSERVER-58392, so please follow this bug ticket instead.

      Issue Description

      When Service Desk is integrated with Confluence 6.15.4, the following issue happens: when a customer clicks on a KB article from the Service Desk Customer Portal, they get the following error:

      The knowledge base article could not be found

      Note that when the Customer clicks on the same KB article from the issue creation form, the page loads properly:

      Steps to Reproduce

      • Install any Service Desk version such as 3.15.x, 3.16.x, 4.1.0
      • Install Confluence 6.15.4
      • Create an application link between Confluence and Service Desk using Oauth with impersonation
      • Configure an external user directory in Confluence using the JIRA directory to ensure that the JIRA users exist in Confluence
      • Create a space in Confluence
      • Create an article in this space (with "laptop" as a title)
      • Create a new Service Desk project, and configure the Knowledge Base setting as follows:
        • Use the space created in Confluence
        • Select the option "All active users and customers can access the knowledge base without a Confluence license"
      • Log into the Service Desk customer portal with a user which does not have a Confluence license
      • Search for the KB article by typing "laptop" in the search box
      • Click on the KB article


      • The KB article loads forever (we get a spinning wheel)
      • If we refresh the page, we get the following error in the UI:
        The knowledge base article could not be found

      • If we collect a HAR file, we get a a 404 error with the request "/rest/servicedesk/1/customer/models"
      • The following error is thrown in the logs:
        2019-06-06 14:48:54,958 http-nio-8080-exec-7 ERROR customer1 888x235x1 oqwnl5 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /servicedesk/customer/kb/view/884742 [c.a.s.i.api.applink.BaseAppLinkResponseHandler] Applink request has returned an error %s
        2019-06-06 14:48:54,958 http-nio-8080-exec-7 ERROR customer1 888x235x1 oqwnl5 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /servicedesk/customer/kb/view/884742 [c.a.s.i.api.applink.BaseAppLinkResponseHandler] Confluence could not find the requested page and returned a 404

      Additional notes

      • The issue occurs whether the Confluence application is configured with anonymous access or not
      • The issue does not happen in the 2 following scenarios:
        • The user has a Confluence license: in this case, this user can open the KB article from both the Customer Portal homepage, and from the request creation form
        • The user does not have a Confluence license and opens the KB article from the request creation form

        1. Step4.png
          43 kB
        2. Step3.png
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        3. Step2.png
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        4. Step1.png
          100 kB

              Unassigned Unassigned
              jrey Julien Rey
              1 Vote for this issue
              12 Start watching this issue
