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  1. Jira Service Management Data Center
  2. JSDSERVER-3684

Issue Create Event Triggers Notification Regardless of Settings


      Problem Definition

      Issue Create event triggers unwanted notification to reporter of the ticket

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Remove all the people (users) under issue create event in notifications.
      2. Create a ticket

      Expected Result

      Since there is no one included under Issue Create event no one should receive notification

      Actual Result

      Notification will be received by reporter of the ticket

      Customer usecase which leads to second (unwanted) notification

      1) Add a custom "Notification" event to your JIRA instance
      2) Create vanilla Service Desk project e.g. IT Service Desk
      3) Edit notification scheme:

      • remove ALL notifications from Issue Created event
      • add notification to some hardcoded user or group, use Issue Created notification template
        4) Create "Initial Delay" SLA in Service Desk, start from Create Issue, stops on Assignee being set, set goal to 5min (or less) for all issues
        5) Edit workflow, since we are using vanilla JSD project - edit the transition from "Waiting to Support" to "Waiting for Customer" (this is not the real intent, purely for test purpose):
      • in the postfunctions replace triggering Generic Event with the custom "Notification" event
        6) Create automation rule, to be triggered on "Initial Delay" SLA being breached, for all issues, transition from "Waiting for Support" to "Waiting for Customer"
        7) Submit a request, use request type associated with issue type that uses the workflow you've modified


      • request is created, "falls" into "Waiting for Support"
      • the standard "we confirm that we got your request" notification goes out to the EndUser
      • nobody on the internal team picks it up for 5 minutes
      • automation transitions it to "Waiting for Customer"
      • notification goes out to the internal team


      • request is created, "falls" into "Waiting for Support"
      • the standard "we confirm that we got your request" notification goes out to the EndUser
      • nobody on the internal team picks it up for 5 minutes
      • automation transitions it to "Waiting for Customer"
      • notification goes out to the internal team
      • an additional unwanted identical "we confirm that we got your request" notification goes out to the EndUser

            Unassigned Unassigned
            somidi Sam Omidi (Inactive)
            3 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
