Profile picture/avatar of People Involved column in the Service Desk Customer Portal are not displayed in when logged in as a customer. I have tested this on version 2.3 , and the user who reported this was on version 2.2

      If logged in as an agent, all avatars are visible. Refer to the image below :

      If a customer logs in, they are only able to see their own avatar and the avatar generated by Gravatar. Uploaded avatars of other People Involved are not visible. Refer to the image below :

        1. agent.png
          57 kB
        2. customer.png
          46 kB

            [JSDSERVER-1579] "People Involved" column avatars does not display for Customers

            Same root cause with JSD-937

            Kha Nguyen (Inactive) added a comment - Same root cause with JSD-937

              ldoan Lan Doan (Inactive)
     Adrian Stephen
              Affected customers:
              1 This affects my team
              3 Start watching this issue
