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  1. Jira Service Management Data Center
  2. JSDSERVER-14438

Customer cannot be set to reporter within Jira interface


      Issue Summary

      If a request is raised via the portal from a customer, they will be set to the reporter of the issue within Jira. If an agent tries to change the report of an issue within Jira that was already submitted, the only options the agent can change the reporter to are users that have access to the Jira Service Management application itself.

      You cannot set the reporter in the Jira User Interface to a customer whom does not have access to JSM.

      This is reproducible on Data Center: Yes

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a sample project in the JSM instance using the sample data
      2. Select Queues > All Open
      3. Select one of the issues that is not assigned to Alana Grant
      4. Try to edit the reporter of this issue to Alana Grant

      Expected Results

      You should be able to set the reporter of an issue to a customer that may not have access to Jira Service Management. This could be done on Jira 5.10 and lower.

      Actual Results

      As per Jira Service Management 5.11.x release notes, changes were made to enhance the privacy and security of your project information.

      Unless the user/customer has been granted Browse Project project permission, the reporter cannot be changed to this user and they do not show up in
      the drop down search.


      • Copy the complete username or email address of the customer/user and then add it in the reporter field and then click outside the box the reporter should be modified although you will not be able to see it in user dropdown list due to the bug; OR
        • Note: In some cases, username works and in some cases the email address works. 
      • Refer to How to manage dark features in Jira and disable this feature flag: com.atlassian.jira.ignoreBrowseUsersPermissionsInUserPickers
        1. Navigate to <BASE_URL>/secure/admin/SiteDarkFeatures!default.jspa
        2. Enter com.atlassian.jira.ignoreBrowseUsersPermissionsInUserPickers.disabled in the Enable dark feature section.
        3. Click on Add.

            c8bcca445054 Benjamin Suess
            d382421eef02 Andy Rusnak
            48 Vote for this issue
            69 Start watching this issue
