Issue Summary

      There are some issue statuses: (Waiting for support) & (Waiting for customer) that auto-generated by Jira Service Desk are categorized with a "No Category". The "No Category" is not allowed in normal Jira usage where all statues are required to be categorized into:

      • To Do
      • In Progress
      • Done

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Install Jira Service Desk.
      2. Create a Service Desk project.
      3. Check the workflow(for Service or Service Request type).

      Expected Results

      Service Desk creates the workflow with all the status in a valid category, "To Do", "In Progress" or "Done".

      Actual Results

      Service Desk creates two status, "Waiting for support" and "Waiting for customer" without a category, they are set to "No Category" with the grey color.
      Normally when you create a status you cannot choose "No Category".
      Having a status with no category can affect the "Sort by Status" in Advanced Roadmaps and the Kanban board with the "Hide Completed issues" feature. Issues on a status without a category will be removed from the board as well as done issues.


      You can change the category of the status after it has been created.

              jthai Jason T
              gfranck Gabriele Franck
              Affected customers:
              3 This affects my team
              9 Start watching this issue
