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  1. Jira Service Management Cloud
  2. JSDCLOUD-9166

Ability to add validation checks for checkbox fields.


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      4 Jan 2022 Update:

      Hi all! 

      The rollout of ProForma (Forms for Jira) is now in progress and should be available to all customers in the next few weeks. 

      ProForma will make it possible to set a validator on a multi-choice field that specified the minimum number of choices required.


      Simon Herd

      Principal Product Manager, Jira Service Management



      Environment: Cloud

      Use case: We have a checkbox field with a long list of options. We need to add a validator to allow the transition only it if at least 3 options are selected.

      Currently we have one validator to add to the transition but no other further options.

      Field has single value Validator Multi-select Field has not more than one value during transition.

      Add new validators that can be used to validate checkbox fields to have multiple values

      Use add-on Proforma to achieve this

            3594564a659e Simon Herd (Inactive)
            74e7fd576f90 Prathiksha
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