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  1. Jira Service Management Cloud
  2. JSDCLOUD-5184

Internal comment tab doesn't respond in pop-up windows



      When adding comments in pop-up windows in SD requests, the 'Internal comment's tab is not responding.

      For example, if you have a Service Desk project which is shown in an Agile board, when viewing it in the Detail View in Backlog or Active Sprint pages, if you click to comment on it, the pop up page has an 'Internal Comment' tab that doesn't respond anymore.

      This is also failing when transitioning the issue when it has comment in the transition screen. The pop-up window to transition has an 'Internal comment' tab that doesn't respond.


      The Internal comment functionality can also be accessed directly from the ticket. Navigate to the issue and add any internal comments there.


      Replicated in these versions:

      • JIRA v7.2.0-OD-03-005
      • JIRA Service Desk v3.2.0-OD-04-003-D20160224T230516
      • JIRA Agile v7.2.2-D20160223T031242

      Steps to Reproduce

      Scenario 1. When transitioning

      1. Create a Service Desk project
      2. Create a request in this project
      3. Make sure you have a transition to the customer with comments (should be there by default as 'Respond to Customer')
      4. Click the transition
      5. Click the 'Internal comment' tab

      Scenario 2: In an Agile board

      1. Create a Service Desk project
      2. Create a board (either Scrum or Kanban) associated with this project (showing issues from it)
      3. Make sure you have requests in the project
      4. Go to the boards Backlog or Active Sprint page, where there is at least one issue
      5. Click it to open its Detail View
      6. In 'Comments' section, click the 'Comment' button
        • A Comment pop-up window will appear
      7. Click the 'Internal comment' tab

      Expected Results

      In both cases, the 'Internal comment' tab should be selected and this message should appear:

      Your comments will not be visible to customers on the portal.

      Actual Results

      The tab doesn't respond.

      No errors in logs, but this appears in JavaScript console when accessing the board:

      RapidBoard.jspa:1 Uncaught (in promise) undefined
      https://theeagle-sd.atlassian.net/rest/dev-status/1.0/issue/summary?issueId=undefined&_=1456420549436 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request)


      This is a very recent bug, because I cannot replicate in these versions (which at the time that the affected version was release, some instances were still using):

      • JIRA v7.2.0-OD-02-009
      • JIRA Service Desk v3.2.0-OD-03-003-D20160217T060814
      • JIRA Agile v7.2.1-D20160217T041804

      There was a similar bug:

      But this current bug seems to start happening in a much earlier version. As I mentioned above, version JIRA SD v3.2.0-OD-03 was not affected and that other bug is for version 2.5.4.

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            jsilveira Jaime S
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