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      NOTE: This bug report is for JIRA Service Desk Cloud. Using JIRA Service Desk Server? See the corresponding bug report.

      Hi there, we have 4-5 service desks and have to manually create calendars for each even if they are identical. There also seems to be no way to share a calendar even if the names are the same, no way to change the default of Repeat and no way to import so that it is easier to track bank holidays.

      • Is it possible to set a company calendar and share it for different service desks? If not, is this planned to be done at some point?
      • Is it possible to import the dates into a calendar to save manually entering into each one every time (this is getting quite time consuming, especially if importing historical issues)?
      • Is it possible to change the default for Repeat to NEVER as the dates for bank holidays are predominately not on the same date year to year and this is a pain if we cannot import or share calendars.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            977f0a6c1225 Jo Green
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