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  1. Jira Service Management Cloud
  2. JSDCLOUD-3388

Re-ordering Request Type will automatically scroll down the page


      NOTE: This bug report is for JIRA Service Desk Cloud. Using JIRA Service Desk Server? See the corresponding bug report.


      Somehow, by trying to drag the Request Type row number 8 from top, it will automatically scroll the page.

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Navigate to a Service Desk Project Administration Page.
      2. Select Request Type.
      3. Create about 30 Request Type
      4. Try to drag or re-ordering the Request Type on row 8 from top.

      Expected Result:

      • There will be no scrolling happening until the cursor is on the edge of top or bottom of the windows.

      Actual result:

      • Moving it a little bit will somehow scrolling the page to the bottom.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            jrahmadiputra Julian (Inactive)
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