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  1. Jira Service Management Cloud
  2. JSDCLOUD-10549

Insight field with reporter/project placeholder in filter issue scope returns nothing for some customers in customer portal


      Issue Summary

      When an Insight field has its filter issue scope setting configured with ${reporter}, this field does not return any objects for some customers in the customer portal.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Navigate to your Service Desk project - Project settings > People
      2. Invite an user as a Service Desk Customer from there
      3. Create an Insight object with Jira User attribute. e.g. Owner
      4. Assign the user invited in step 2 to the Owner attribute of the object
      5. Set up an Insight custom field with this query in filter issue scope field: "Owner" == ${reporter.label}
      6. Log in as the user in step 2
      7. Try to use the Insight field in customer portal

      Note: For customers invited via the Customers page, they can successfully select the object where they are the Owner of in the customer portal.
      Note: this issue happens for project due to the same root cause (lack of reporter and project info being passed for the filter query)

      Expected Results

      We expect at least 1 object to be returned and displayed as an option in the Insight field.

      Actual Results

      There is no results displayed in the Insight field.


      Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              ad70c7c67f3d Nhi Van Nguyen
              16 Vote for this issue
              26 Start watching this issue
