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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-9749

Display the 'Due Date' more noticeable in the issue detail view (not issue navigator)

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      It is very easy to oversee the due date for an issue! The display in the same line as created and updated is very inconsiderable (grey font color).

      Our JIRA users requests a more noticeable display of the due date, like:

      • move the due date display instead of the top-line into the left pane of the issue details (like status, id etc.) and display it bold
      • in addition display the due date red when the issue is over-due.

      This should also be done for the HTML email notifications!

        1. issue_headertable.jsp
          13 kB
          Alexander Weiss
        2. issue_headertable.jsp
          13 kB
          Alexander Weiss
        3. due-date in the future.jpg
          159 kB
          Alexander Weiss
        4. over-due.jpg
          159 kB
          Alexander Weiss
        5. 3.3.3.issue_headertable.jsp
          13 kB
          Neal Applebaum
        6. screenshot-duedates.jpg
          34 kB
          Neal Applebaum
        7. 3.6.3.issue_headertable.jsp
          13 kB
          Neal Applebaum
        8. old_due_date.jpg
          49 kB
          Neal Applebaum
        9. 3.13.issue_headertable.jsp
          15 kB
          Neal Applebaum
        10. 4.1.2view_dates.jsp
          3 kB
          Thomas Krug

              Unassigned Unassigned
              a569a39fbdfe Alexander Weiss
              mandreacchio Michael Andreacchio
