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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-69192

Adding group as dashboard editor removes some individual users' right to edit dashboard


      Issue Summary

      JRASERVER-17783 introduced a feature that enable users to edit others' dashboard. But specifying user and group as editors at the same time removes individual users' right to edit dashboard, if the user is not in the group.


      Versions after JRASERVER-17783.
      i.e. 7.12.x - and later.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Login as any admin user
        Create user1 that doesn't belong to jira-administrators group
      2. Create custom dashboard and add user1 user and jira-administrators group as editor
      3. Login as user1
      4. Visit the custom dashboard created in step 2
      Additional scenario:
      # Create two groups (Group A, Group B)
      # Create 3 users, User 1, User 2, User 3
      # Add 3 users to group jira-users (the one that allow access to jira) and Group A
      #  Add User 1 and User 2 to Group B
      # With User 1 create dashboard, share it for view with jira-users
      # Share created dashboard for edit for Group A and Group B
      Expected result:
      User 2 and User 3 can edit shared dasbhoard
      Actual result:
      User 2 that is the member of 2 groups can edit dashboard, User 3 that is member of Group A only - can only view
      Additional Scenario 2:
      Create 3 groups (Group1, Group2, Group3)
      Create a User1, Add user to Group1, Group2
      Add Group1, Group2 and Group3 as Viewers
      In Editor add just a user: User1
      User1 is member in Group1 and Group2 but not in Group3
      User1 can't edit the dashboard, until added to Group3

      Expected Results

      user1 can edit the dashboard

      Actual Results

      user1 cannot.


      If you removed jira-administrators group from the list of editor, user1 is able to edit the dashboard.


      Keep users always included in the group.

            nwroblewska Natalia Wroblewska
            nmukai Nobuyuki Mukai
            178 Vote for this issue
            167 Start watching this issue
