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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-61166

Performance of JIRA Datacenter degrades significantly after customfields configuration task



      JIRA Datacenter is unresponsive during deletion custom fields context.

      ManageConfigurationScheme flushes cache data: fields context, config scheme issue type and custom fields across all cluster nodes for each modification. When we reload cache we load ALL RECORDS from fieldconfigschemeissuetype table. Then this data need to be loaded back into cache at each node, which is causing performance degradation.
      Most data structure operation are cluster wide, so executing them from the dark node unfortunatly will have same effect and will not help.


      • JIRA DC
      • High load
      • Large number of
        • Custom-Fields: 2000+
        • Number of elements in fieldconfigschemeissuetype: 10000+

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Configure Custom-Field, for example by changing/deleting context.

      Expected Results

      JIRA cluster peformance doesn't degrade significantly,

      Actual Results

      JIRA Datacenter is unresponsive.


      • Problem can be partially mitigated by improving cache loading for fieldLayoutCache, see workaround - JRASERVER-66013


      Execute operation during low activity.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            ayakovlev@atlassian.com Andriy Yakovlev [Atlassian]
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