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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-41593

JIRA throws /rest/analytics/1.0/publish/bulk for Inline Edit events when Analytics is Disabled


    • 6.03
    • 49
    • Severity 3 - Minor
    • 96
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      Hello everyone,

      We recently stumbled upon this ticket to triage and couldn't reproduce the problem described in the description.

      We found out that event properties that were causing warnings in logs were removed a while ago (in 2018). The change is present in the jira-issue-nav-plugin bundled plugin version since 8.8.5, which means at least since Jira 7.10.0.

      With regards to the 2nd part: "Expected behavior There should be no more /rest/analytics/1.0/publish/bulk when Analytics is Disabled".
      In Jira Server/DC even if Analytics are disabled, unfortunately, it doesn't automatically stop sending those REST calls.

      There's a separate ticket for this problem JRASERVER-70086 , which you can vote and follow.

      Kind regards,
      Jira DC Team

      Hello everyone, We recently stumbled upon this ticket to triage and couldn't reproduce the problem described in the description. We found out that event properties that were causing warnings in logs were removed a while ago (in 2018). The change is present in the jira-issue-nav-plugin bundled plugin version since 8.8.5, which means at least since Jira 7.10.0. With regards to the 2nd part: "Expected behavior There should be no more /rest/analytics/1.0/publish/bulk when Analytics is Disabled". In Jira Server/DC even if Analytics are disabled, unfortunately, it doesn't automatically stop sending those REST calls. There's a separate ticket for this problem JRASERVER-70086 , which you can vote and follow. Kind regards, Jira DC Team

      Steps to reproduce

      1. make sure Analytics is Enabled from JIRA Administration -> System -> Analytics
      2. view any JIRA issue and inline-edit any fields e.g. Assignee, Reporter, Summary, custom fields, etc.
      3. the following warnings are seen in the log:
        2015-01-13 11:13:01,568 http-bio-2768-exec-18 WARN admin 673x520x1 nuk3mt,0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /rest/analytics/1.0/publish/bulk [analytics.client.browser.PublisherResource] BrowserEvent property values should not be Collections or Maps. name=kickass.inlineEdit, properties={issueId=10101, savedFieldIds=[assignee], duration=822, context_pageSession=1c2at21y1osf9a4ipj3duapmivohia4i, context_pageTime=11881}
        2015-01-13 11:13:06,566 http-bio-2768-exec-16 WARN admin 673x531x1 nuk3mt,0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /rest/analytics/1.0/publish/bulk [analytics.client.browser.PublisherResource] BrowserEvent property values should not be Collections or Maps. name=kickass.inlineEdit, properties={issueId=10101, savedFieldIds=[reporter], duration=496, context_pageSession=1c2at21y1osf9a4ipj3duapmivohia4i, context_pageTime=18126}
      4. from Analytics page in point 1 above, tick Disabled and Save/Update to disable Analytics
      5. view the same JIRA issue and inline-edit again
      6. similar warnings are still seen in log:
        2015-01-13 11:14:07,002 http-bio-2768-exec-9 WARN admin 674x540x1 nuk3mt,0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /rest/analytics/1.0/publish/bulk [analytics.client.browser.PublisherResource] BrowserEvent property values should not be Collections or Maps. name=kickass.inlineEdit, properties={issueId=10101, savedFieldIds=[summary], duration=440, context_pageSession=1c2at21y1osf9a4ipj3duapmivohia4i, context_pageTime=78988}
        2015-01-13 11:14:47,003 http-bio-2768-exec-4 WARN admin 674x549x1 nuk3mt,0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /rest/analytics/1.0/publish/bulk [analytics.client.browser.PublisherResource] BrowserEvent property values should not be Collections or Maps. name=kickass.inlineEdit, properties={issueId=10101, savedFieldIds=[customfield_10201], duration=544, context_pageSession=1c2at21y1osf9a4ipj3duapmivohia4i, context_pageTime=116026}

      Expected behavior

      There should be no more /rest/analytics/1.0/publish/bulk when Analytics is Disabled


      Disable Analytics Client Plugin from Manage add-ons -> System add-ons

      When the plugin is disabled, this INFO is seen, and no more similar warnings is thrown afterwards:

      2015-01-13 11:15:09,708 http-bio-2768-exec-4 INFO admin 675x556x1 nuk3mt,0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /rest/plugins/1.0/com.atlassian.analytics.analytics-client-key [atlassian.plugin.manager.DefaultPluginManager] Disabling com.atlassian.analytics.analytics-client

      Please DO NOT use this workaround if you have Jira Service Management installed. Disabling Analytics client plugin will disable service desk reports plugin immediately.

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            vdung Andy Nguyen (Inactive)
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