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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-33123

Required field validation works only on the first Cascading drop-down list


    • 5.02
    • 23
    • Severity 2 - Major
    • 55
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      Atlassian Update – 17 April 2023

      Hi everyone,

      We’re happy to announce that the fix for this bug has been released in Jira Server version 9.7.
      Initially, the validation of the Select List (cascading) custom field, when it was marked to be required, took into account only the first (parent) list.

      In the upcoming solution, it has been decided that:
      If there is only a parent option configured then validation requires only a parent option to be set,
      If there is a parent option and a sub-option (child) configured, then require both of them. We have decided that such implementation leaves flexibility to the users who can decide what’s most suitable for them.

      More detailed documentation can be found under the following link: 

      The fix is going to be backported to Jira LTS versions 8.20.22 and 9.4.6 scheduled to be released on May 2023.

      Kind regards,
      Agata Kowal, Junior Software Engineer in Jira Server

      Atlassian Update – 17 April 2023 Hi everyone, We’re happy to announce that the fix for this bug has been released in Jira Server version 9.7. Initially, the validation of the Select List (cascading) custom field, when it was marked to be required, took into account only the first (parent) list. In the upcoming solution, it has been decided that: If there is only a parent option configured then validation requires only a parent option to be set, If there is a parent option and a sub-option (child) configured, then require both of them. We have decided that such implementation leaves flexibility to the users who can decide what’s most suitable for them. More detailed documentation can be found under the following link:  https://confluence.atlassian.com/adminjiraserver/specifying-field-behavior-938847255.html#Specifyingfieldbehavior-requirefieldMakingafieldrequiredoroptional The fix is going to be backported to Jira LTS versions 8.20.22 and 9.4.6 scheduled to be released on May 2023. Kind regards, Agata Kowal, Junior Software Engineer in Jira Server


      Required field validation works only on the first Cascading drop-down list

      Steps to replicate

      1. Add a Select list (cascading) field
      2. In the field configuration, add some options for that field
      3. Make that field required
      4. Add it to an issue
      5. Only select the first field from the drop-down
      6. Save the form

      Expected results

      You get an error from Jira because the 2nd drop-down was not filled out, and it's required

      Actual results

      Form saves without errors


      Use the Suite Utilities for JIRA plugin and the "Field Required" workflow validator

      • You would add this to the Create Transition and also make the field required
      • You need to make the field required so that it will show the red asterisk indicating that it is required

        1. validation.PNG
          13 kB
        2. validation2.PNG
          7 kB

            e2656c68d96d Agata Kowal
            kmackevicius Kostas Mackevicius
            122 Vote for this issue
            86 Start watching this issue
