We couldn't load all Actvitity tabs. Refresh the page to try again.
If the problem persists, contact your Jira admin.
IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.

      • Create an issue
      • Under "More actions" choose clone
      • Accept the name of the cloned issue

      1. Expand the "Issue Links" of the cloned issue

      Expected: "This issue is cloned from:"
      Actual: "This issue is cloned by:". This is understood like this issue is cloned by the original.

      2. Expand the "Issue Links" of the original issue

      Expected: "This issue is cloned by:"
      Actual: "This issue clones:". This is understood a the issue clones whatever appears on the list.


      This was fixed in JIRA 5.2.6 but the issues already cloned will remain with the wrong direction link. You can check how to fix those issues in this KB:

        1. 2013-03-11_0617.swf
          1.45 MB
          Bob Swift
        2. clonedby.png
          9 kB
          Mark Lassau
        3. cloners-link-clones.png
          12 kB
          Bob Swift
        4. cloners-link-was-cloned-to.png
          10 kB
          Bob Swift
        5. IncorrectWordingWhenCloning.png
          31 kB
          Federico Silva Armas [Atlassian]

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.

                • Create an issue
                • Under "More actions" choose clone
                • Accept the name of the cloned issue

                1. Expand the "Issue Links" of the cloned issue

                Expected: "This issue is cloned from:"
                Actual: "This issue is cloned by:". This is understood like this issue is cloned by the original.

                2. Expand the "Issue Links" of the original issue

                Expected: "This issue is cloned by:"
                Actual: "This issue clones:". This is understood a the issue clones whatever appears on the list.


                This was fixed in JIRA 5.2.6 but the issues already cloned will remain with the wrong direction link. You can check how to fix those issues in this KB:

                  1. 2013-03-11_0617.swf
                    1.45 MB
                    Bob Swift
                  2. clonedby.png
                    9 kB
                    Mark Lassau
                  3. cloners-link-clones.png
                    12 kB
                    Bob Swift
                  4. cloners-link-was-cloned-to.png
                    10 kB
                    Bob Swift
                  5. IncorrectWordingWhenCloning.png
                    31 kB
                    Federico Silva Armas [Atlassian]

                        edalgliesh Eric Dalgliesh
                        farmas Federico Silva Armas [Atlassian]
                        5 Vote for this issue
                        21 Start watching this issue


                            edalgliesh Eric Dalgliesh
                            farmas Federico Silva Armas [Atlassian]
                            Affected customers:
                            5 This affects my team
                            21 Start watching this issue
