Resolution: Fixed
Low (View bug fix roadmap)
5.2.7, 6.0-OD-06
NOTE: This bug report is for JIRA Server. Using JIRA Cloud? See the corresponding bug report.
If you clone a ticket, the link that's placed on the ticket reverses the outward and inward descriptions. So, the reference will refer to the clone as the original and the original as the clone.
This has been confirmed on my test instance, did not happen in OD-1, but does in OD-6.
- is caused by
JRASERVER-24563 Clone operation creates links in the wrong direction
- Closed
- relates to
JRACLOUD-31645 Cloning issues reverses the link comment, calling the original the clone and the clone the original
- Closed
JRASERVER-32042 Link relationship shows "original issue" clones "new issue" when cloning an issue
- Closed
JRASERVER-34913 Warranty - Cloning issues should always create links in correct direction(from clone to original issue)
- Closed
JRASERVER-35927 Clone direction still broken
- Closed
JDEV-24931 Loading...
- copied to
JRADEV-19035 Loading...
This has been fixed in v6.0-RC1
The fix is to add a flag called jira.clone.link.legacy.direction to the advanced settings in general configuration.
When this flag is true, JIRA will continue to create clone links in the legacy reversed direction.
Upgrade tasks will try to set this flag to the appropriate setting based on the following:
So you can see that the upgrade task should ensure that the flag is set correctly for all users except those that have custom clone link names and have already upgraded to v5.2.x where x >= 6. (This includes jira.atlassian.com)
For such users, they will need to set the flag manually if they want it to be true.
OnDemand customers will need to raise a support ticket to set this flag as the advanced settings are currently only available to system admins.