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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-24558

JIRA using mixed-case username from LDAP corrupt other features


      Steps to reproduce

      1. Create a user with username "administrator"
      2. Login with username "administrator" and create a ticket A
      3. Configure a LDAP connector
      4. Inside the LDAP directory, create a username "Administrator"
      5. Make the LDAP directory at the top of the User Directories
      6. Create another ticket B
      7. Issue Navigator can only search for ticket B

      There are also other errors like the user cannot see own issues, dashboard etc.

      This error happens because JIRA is using the column user_name in the table cwd_user for all operations. JIRA should have used the column lower_user_name. For example, the table jiraissue is showing "Administrator" in the column reporter for ticket B.

            andreask@atlassian.com Andreas Knecht (Inactive)
            klfoong Foong (Inactive)
            28 Vote for this issue
            32 Start watching this issue
