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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-14869

Export Current_fields to Excel use default column order instead filter's order after modification of the current view


      Steps to reproduce:
      1. Create filter.
      2. Edit filter's column order. (delete or change order of columns) Save filter.
      3. Export current fields to excel. (Attachment: "ExportToExcelTest+Atlassian+JIRA.xls")
      3. Sort by column 'Reporter'.
      4. Export current fields to excel. (Attachment: "Atlassian+JIRA-1.xls")

      As you can see the second excel file contains the default column order, but I expected the copy of the current view.

      This also affects the "Printable" view.

        1. Atlassian+JIRA-1.xls
          27 kB
          Alexander Kochetkov
        2. ExportToExcelTest+Atlassian+JIRA.xls
          24 kB
          Alexander Kochetkov

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              84adf689400a Alexander Kochetkov
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