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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-9960

Import workflow through XML should not rely on status and screen IDs


    • 16
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Cloud. Using JIRA Server? See the corresponding suggestion.

      Atlassian Status as of 4 March 2014

      Hi everyone,

      Thanks so much for your votes and comments on this feature request. While this feature is something we want to add to JIRA, it is not on the list of priorities for the next 12 months.

      In the meantime, please check out these plugins:

      on our Atlassian marketplace.

      Both of these plugins are available for the downloaded instances of JIRA and solve the use cases outlined in this requirement.

      While we will not be addressing this feature in the next 12 months, we plan to resolve several other top voted feature requests in the next 12 months, including JRA-3156, JRA-3821, JRA-1431. And we have recently resolved JRA-32199, JRA-32200, JRA-2703 and JRA-7659 as well as provided the first drop of functionality related to JRA-3157.

      Thanks for your patience and we hope you appreciate our open approach to feature requests.

      JIRA Product Management
      bartek (at) atlassian (dot) com

      Original request description

      Currently JIRA crashes when importing workflows if referenced screens and statuses do not exist.

      Jira should not need the statuses or screens to have the same ids when importing workflows from one instance to another.

      It makes it very difficult to import new workflows from a test/development instance to production. This use case is explicitly documented .

      Perhaps upon import, JIRA should ask whether to create new statuses, by default pre-filled with the workflow step name? For screens perhaps it could do something similar, or maybe remove the screens.

      Either way JIRA should not crash on importing workflows at all.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            brian@atlassian.com BrianH
            72 Vote for this issue
            51 Start watching this issue
