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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-82661

Error in Search Date Picker When Jira Interface Set to Finnish Language


      Issue Summary

      In Jira Cloud, when the interface language is set to Finnish, using the date picker in the Basic Filter to search for issues within a specific date range results in an error message.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Change Personal Settings to set the language to Finnish (Suomi).
      2. Utilize the Basic Filter and select dates using the date picker for any given range. 

      Expected Results

      The date picker should correctly interpret and accept the selected date range without issues.

      Actual Results

      The filter rejects the date and displays an error stating: "Virheellinen päivämäärämuoto. Syötä päivämäärä muodossa "d/MMM/yy" (in English: "Invalid date format. Enter the date as "d/MMM/yy".").


      Switch to JQL mode by clicking on the "Vaihda JQL:ksi" link and edit the dates in the text input, in "YYYY-MM-DD" format.

        1. DatePickerIssue.png
          86 kB
          Lucas Muratore
        2. image-2024-01-03-10-13-20-944.png
          14 kB
          Cristian Casais

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            3e08e47e6d09 Lucas Muratore
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