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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-80097

Status selector failing to load


      Issue Summary

      In some instances, when opening the Issue create modal Jira can occasionally fail to retrieve the statuses linked to the Issue type selected.

      When this happens you cannot set the Status in the status drop-down during creation, however, users are not blocked from creating the issue and you can proceed without any issues.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Click on Create to open the Global Issue create

      Expected Results

      The Create issue screen should display the Status field with a drop-down of the available statuses based on its workflow.

      Actual Results

      You will see the following error under the Status field:

      Status selector hasn’t loaded. Continue without a status, or try reopening this window.


      As the error suggests, you can continue without selecting a status or close and reopen the Create issue.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            lellis2@atlassian.com Belto
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