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Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Platform Cloud'
  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-78540

JQL query search using "status was" returns incorrect unreliable results for Team Managed projects

      Status Update 2/09/2022

      Hi everyone,

      Thank you for your votes, comments, and patience on this issue. Our team has recently investigated this bug. Firstly, we were able to find out why the “status was” queries for company-managed projects are broken in certain scenarios. We are glad to announce that this part has now been fixed: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRACLOUD-79741

      We hope that it will improve your experience with JQL and will ease the transition for everyone migrating to Cloud from Server and Data Center.

      We understand that many of you require this feature to work with the team-managed (next-gen) projects. We plan to solve the underlying problem but in order to ensure good performance of the search we need to first deliver some necessary architectural improvements. For now you can try using the workaround and replacing status name with status ID for each project as explained in this article.

      We will post an update there when new information is available.

      Mila Szydlowska


      For team managed projects, when searching for issues using JQL such as:

      project = PROJECT_NAME AND (status CHANGED FROM "To Do" OR status = "To Do")
      status was "In Progress" after "2022-03-09" AND status in ("Ready for Release", Done, Closed, Declined, Postponed)
      status was "In Progress" after endOfDay(-21d) AND status in ("Ready for Release", Done, Closed, Declined, Postponed)
      assignee WAS currentUser() AFTER "2022-01-01" AND project = "DEMO"

      If JQL contains "WAS" and AFTER or endOfDay it ** does not consider the timeline and returns all results.

      The results are unreliable.

      Steps to Reproduce

      • Work case 1
      1. Create a  project with statuses "To Do", "In Progress" and "Done".
      2. Create some issues, and transition some of them around.
      3. Run the query: project = PROJECT_NAME AND (status CHANGED FROM "To Do" OR status = "To Do")
      4.  Run the query  status was "In Progress" after endOfDay(-2d) 
      • Work case 2
      1. Have or create several issues in and outside of the required parameters 
      2. Run the query status was "In Progress" after endOfDay(-21d) AND status in ("Ready for Release", Done, Closed, Declined, Postponed)

      Expected Results

      • Only issues in the specified parameters should be returned.

      Actual Results

      • Issues not in the specified parameters are returned


      We primarily see this happening in these scenarios:

      • The search doesn't work with team-managed projects

      In both scenarios, using the status_id instead of the status_name works. This also affects searches performed via the Jira APIs.


      Use the Status Id instead of Status name when using was or changed in JQL as explained in this article: https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/in-a-team-managed-project-jql-is-not-working-if-it-contains-status-was-statusname-1163769987.html

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.
            Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Platform Cloud'
            1. Jira Platform Cloud
            2. JRACLOUD-78540

            JQL query search using "status was" returns incorrect unreliable results for Team Managed projects

                Status Update 2/09/2022

                Hi everyone,

                Thank you for your votes, comments, and patience on this issue. Our team has recently investigated this bug. Firstly, we were able to find out why the “status was” queries for company-managed projects are broken in certain scenarios. We are glad to announce that this part has now been fixed: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRACLOUD-79741

                We hope that it will improve your experience with JQL and will ease the transition for everyone migrating to Cloud from Server and Data Center.

                We understand that many of you require this feature to work with the team-managed (next-gen) projects. We plan to solve the underlying problem but in order to ensure good performance of the search we need to first deliver some necessary architectural improvements. For now you can try using the workaround and replacing status name with status ID for each project as explained in this article.

                We will post an update there when new information is available.

                Mila Szydlowska


                For team managed projects, when searching for issues using JQL such as:

                project = PROJECT_NAME AND (status CHANGED FROM "To Do" OR status = "To Do")
                status was "In Progress" after "2022-03-09" AND status in ("Ready for Release", Done, Closed, Declined, Postponed)
                status was "In Progress" after endOfDay(-21d) AND status in ("Ready for Release", Done, Closed, Declined, Postponed)
                assignee WAS currentUser() AFTER "2022-01-01" AND project = "DEMO"

                If JQL contains "WAS" and AFTER or endOfDay it ** does not consider the timeline and returns all results.

                The results are unreliable.

                Steps to Reproduce

                • Work case 1
                1. Create a  project with statuses "To Do", "In Progress" and "Done".
                2. Create some issues, and transition some of them around.
                3. Run the query: project = PROJECT_NAME AND (status CHANGED FROM "To Do" OR status = "To Do")
                4.  Run the query  status was "In Progress" after endOfDay(-2d) 
                • Work case 2
                1. Have or create several issues in and outside of the required parameters 
                2. Run the query status was "In Progress" after endOfDay(-21d) AND status in ("Ready for Release", Done, Closed, Declined, Postponed)

                Expected Results

                • Only issues in the specified parameters should be returned.

                Actual Results

                • Issues not in the specified parameters are returned


                We primarily see this happening in these scenarios:

                • The search doesn't work with team-managed projects

                In both scenarios, using the status_id instead of the status_name works. This also affects searches performed via the Jira APIs.


                Use the Status Id instead of Status name when using was or changed in JQL as explained in this article: https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/in-a-team-managed-project-jql-is-not-working-if-it-contains-status-was-statusname-1163769987.html

                        pswiecicki Piotr Swiecicki
                        mtokar Michael Tokar
                        145 Vote for this issue
                        151 Start watching this issue


                            pswiecicki Piotr Swiecicki
                            mtokar Michael Tokar
                            Affected customers:
                            145 This affects my team
                            151 Start watching this issue
