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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-77682

Global looping transition fails once the ticket has been in a final state


      Issue Summary

      If a ticket has been transitioned to a final state in its lifecycle, global transitions will fail to complete.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a global looping transition.
      2. Create a ticket, close it and then reopen it.
      3. Try to execute the global transition.

      Expected Results

      The global transition should be executed fine.

      Actual Results

      An error happens and in the console the error message is:

      Illegal argument: requested new current step same as current step, but current step not specified


      • Transition the ticket to another status and the transition the ticket back to the previous status.

        1. Screen Shot 2022-01-10 at 14.26.10.png
          559 kB
          Renata Dornelas
        2. Screen Shot 2022-01-10 at 13.13.08.png
          628 kB
          Renata Dornelas
        3. Screen Shot 2022-01-10 at 13.12.41.png
          576 kB
          Renata Dornelas

            Unassigned Unassigned
            418fd3fec2e7 Arthur Braga (Inactive)
            1 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue
