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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-77460

Date picker is not working when Profile Language is set to other than English


      Update - 20th Jan 2022

      Hi Everyone,

      We have started the rollout of the new issue create experience which solves this particular issue that you are facing. More details can be found here - https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-articles/Announcement-New-Issue-Create-modal-will-be-available-to-all/ba-p/1874003

      As the old experience is soon to be deprecated, we will not be working on a fix for the old Issue Create modal. We are in the process of rolling out the new experience to all customers over the course of Jan/Feb 2022. If you do not yet see the new Issue Create experience in your instance, please allow some time for the changes to propagate safely across our systems. 

      Thank you.

      Arjoon Som
      Sr. PM,Jira Cloud

      Issue Summary

      On Issue creation, when setting a Date Picker field, if the user's profile language is set to French/Italian, the date filled when the user clicks on the calendar icon and picks a day is filled with an invalid format.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Log into an instance and change the default language to French.
      2. Change the profile language to French from https://id.atlassian.com/manage-profile/account-preferences
      3. Create an Issue and set the date picker field value
      4. We will see the following error:

      "Invalid date format. Please enter the date in the format 'd / MMM / yy'"

      Expected Results

      We should be able to select the date

      Actual Results

      Seeing following error:
      "Invalid date format. Please enter the date in the format 'd / MMM / yy'"


      Refresh the page and then try to open the modal and create the issue.

            dc7c78296a7c Arjoon Som
            ssingh7@atlassian.com Sugandha Singh
            44 Vote for this issue
            89 Start watching this issue
