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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-76305

Problems with scrollbar when opening an issue from a filter's results in the new view


      Issue Summary

      When opening an issue in the same tab from a filter's results, there are some problems:

      • The top bar will not follow your scroll, that is, the header with issue related information will not follow when you scroll down;
      • There will be an additional scroll bar on the right;
        • Like if a third panel was added to the view.

      Also, the scrollbar appearance on different is not consistent across the different OS. The scrollbar on the new Jira issue view varies with different OS platforms. While in mac it appears when we start scrolling the page and disappear when no activity on the page. In Windows, there are 4 scrollbars that are always visible and this gives an unpleasant look in the UI.

      Steps to Reproduce

      • Access a saved filter to return results in the issue search navigation.

      Either of the below also results in having 4 scroll bars on the UI

      • Open any issue key on the Windows Platform
      • Or, add an external mouse in mac the number of scrolls will always be 4

      Expected Results

      The header of the issue will follow when you scroll down. No additional scroll bar should be put between the right side panel and the additional space created by collapsing the left sidebar.

      Actual Results

      The header will not follow your scroll, and an additional scroll bar will be displayed in the screen on the top right, dividing the right side of the screen in two panels.

      See the recording: Open issue from filter - New issue view.mp4


      The problem with the scrollbars occur when you see an issue in the search navigation while in Detail View mode as well:


      Open the issue in a new tab instead of the same one. That will prevent those behaviour from occurring.

        1. Open issue from filter - New issue view.mp4
          4.39 MB
          Leonardo De Almeida
        2. Screen Shot 2021-04-23 at 14.08.42.png
          221 kB
          Leonardo De Almeida

            Unassigned Unassigned
            lalmeida@atlassian.com Leonardo De Almeida
            1 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
