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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-72205

People custom field from Team-managed projects do not work with gadgets


      Issue Summary

      The People custom field for Team-managed (Next-gen) Project isn't captured correctly by Jira. The field isn't sorted correctly in the Issue Navigator nor can it be used in the Two Dimensional Filter gadget. This is applicable for most gadgets that uses a custom field (eg. Pie Chart)

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. In a Next-gen Project, add the People custom field to an Issue type
      2. As it is a user picker field, add users to this field for several Jira Issues
      3. In the Issue Navigator, order results by this field in any order
      4. Add a Two Dimensional gadget to a Dashboard, using that field for the Axis (ie: Yaxis = status, Xaxis = people)

      Expected Results

      In the Issue Navigator, the results are expected to be sorted by this field and the Two Dimensional gadget is expected to display the different values for this field on an Axis.

      Actual Results

      The results are not sorted in the Issue Navigator.

      The values are not recognised in the Two Dimensional gadget on a Dashboard.

      This seems to be applicable for all gadgets.


      No workaround found at this moment.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            lellis2@atlassian.com Belto
            16 Vote for this issue
            34 Start watching this issue
