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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-65953

Link to view issues in JIRA Issues Calendar gadget not working


      The JIRA Issues Calendar gadget has a link that used to display all issues for that given day on the Issue Navigator (a filter according to the option selected in the "Date to Display" field in the gadget's configuration). However, after this week's upgrade, the link opens the Issue Navigator showing all the issues (JQL filtering for nothing) or the last known search.
      This isn't happening in the previous version (hash 075c9028e496abd6af91607eb0e883bd0a62f618).

      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Add the JIRA Issues Calendar gadget to a dashboard
      2. Filter it to a project
      3. Select a Date to Display (Created, Updated, Due Date) and save the gadget
      4. Click the number (which is a link) on a given day

      No workaround yet to display all issues, but you can click individually on each issue's "square" to open it.

      Reopening information

      This is happening again for the 4.0.0-D20150902T050440 version of the JIRA Calendar plugin in JIRA 7.0.0-OD-04.

            bayers Bradley Ayers (Inactive)
            fwillig Felipevsw (Inactive)
            6 Vote for this issue
            17 Start watching this issue
