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  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-65145

Backups created from JIRA Cloud generate 'invalid XML character' and fails when imported back into Cloud.



      When a Cloud backup is created on JIRA Cloud instance, using the backup manager, importing the same backup again in the same Cloud instance or another generates an 'invalid XML character (Unicode: 0xc)'.


      Atlassian Cloud JIRA 1000.245.1

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Step 1 create a backup on a Cloud instance
      2. Step 2 import the backup back in to the Cloud instance

      Expected Results

      The import is successful

      Actual Results

      The below exception is thrown in the log file:

      @4000000057b1dfcc16f48894 2016-08-15 20:59:06,385 Long running task: OnDemandBackup INFO sysadmin 1258x215x1 vmsodg /rest/obm/1.0/runbackup [c.a.o.backupmanager.service.JiraBackupService] Export of logos completed in 1ms.
      @4000000057b1e066047dd56c [Fatal Error] :16392:17: An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0xc) was found in the CDATA section.
      @4000000057b1e06605191784 2016-08-15 21:01:40,079 http-nio-2996-exec-14 WARN sysadmin 1261x321x1 vmsodg /secure/admin/StudioImportSelect!select.jspa [c.a.s.j.i.impl.visitor.JiraExportVisitor] There was an error parsing the entities.xml file
      @4000000057b1e06605191f54 org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 16392; columnNumber: 17; An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0xc) was found in the CDATA section.


      1. unzip the JIRA Cloud backup
      2. clean the entities.xml with the tool at https://confluence.atlassian.com/jira/removing-invalid-characters-from-xml-backups-12079.html.
      3. re-zip the cleaned entities.xml and the activeobjects.xml to a new zip file.

        1. image-2016-11-29-11-20-37-359.png
          5 kB
          Evan Hart
        2. image-2016-12-04-18-32-06-082.png
          28 kB
          Olga Molenaar
        3. screenshot-1.png
          4 kB
          Olga Molenaar

              jferrogarcia Xavier Ferro (Inactive)
              dsjauwmook davy
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