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  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-41463

Webhook logging for Jira


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    • 151
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.


      Currently, it's not possible to customers to see any logs of their webhooks being fired on JIRA. Providing users with a way to see those logs via the UI would help customers a lot when troubleshooting issues with their webhooks and diminish support load on requests for those logs. 

      It would also be good to allow logging the entire HTTP response as well as it may contain information that can help during the troubleshooting process when the webhook is not working.

      In summary, it would be great to have the following information in Jira:

      • When a webhook was triggered
      • Who triggered the event (Event name, like Issue transitioned, and the issue key and transition name, Issue updated, etc.).
      • Which headers and payload were present in the outgoing web request?
      • What was the response. The HTTP code from the web request to know if it was delivered or not, or if it received an error back.

      The workaround is to create a Connect App that would register the webhook and periodically check the failed webhook queue via this GET API command.

              gkaszkur@atlassian.com Grazyna Kaszkur
              maguiar Marlon Aguiar
              338 Vote for this issue
              165 Start watching this issue
