Resolution: Unresolved
NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Server. Using JIRA Cloud? See the corresponding suggestion.
Currently it's not possible to customers to see any logs of their webhooks being fired on JIRA. Providing users with a way to see those logs via the UI would help customers a lot when troubleshooting issues with their webhooks and diminish support load on requests for those logs.
While not available in the GUI, it is possible to write a line to the log file when a webhook is attempting to send.
- Visit Jira Admin -> System -> Logging and Profiling
- Add logging package com.atlassian.webhooks
Now, 2 lines will be logged to the jira log (atlassian.jira.log) file in the JIRA_HOME/log directory. Example:
2021-04-09 09:50:10,432+1000 Web-Hook-Publisher-1 DEBUG admin 590x289x1 19qeghr /rest/api/2/issue/SCR-5/comment [c.a.webhooks.plugin.PublishTaskFactoryImpl$PublishTaskImpl] Posting to web hook at 'https://webhook.site/testwebhook, body is: SNIP_JSON_BODY_HERE 2021-04-09 09:50:12,039+1000 httpclient-callbacks:thread-1 DEBUG anonymous [c.a.webhooks.plugin.PublishTaskFactoryImpl$PublishTaskImpl] WebHook successfully sent
Therefore, these lines can be checked in log to determine when a webhook attempted to send
To make this logging persist past reboots, check article Logging and profiling
- relates to
JRASERVER-41388 WebHooks will not log any errors or throw an exception when there's a connection error
- Closed
JRACLOUD-41463 Webhook logging for Jira
- Gathering Interest
I would help me on failure tracing. I currently working on an issue were a webhook sent out in time by JSM but got in the aiming application with a huge delay. So the Jira log files might help me here to see were is the root cause.