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  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-33692

Feedback on the workflow designer


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    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Cloud. Using JIRA Server? See the corresponding suggestion.



      Welcome to the testing program for the new workflow functionality that we are currently building.

      What's going to happen

      I'm going to update this JIRA issue every time we add new functionality or incorporate any feedback you have provided. There are no obligations to participate in this program - simply play with the feature and provide feedback whenever you like.

      What we are after

      The team really loves it when we get feedback on what we're building. Whether it be good or bad, it allows us to improve the feature much more rapidly than we could without feedback.

      There is a 'Got Feedback?' button in the top right hand corner of the page you are going to be using. If you could click that and send all feedback/bugs/problems etc through, it will be raised in one of our JIRA instances and we can manage it there. If that doesn't work for any reason, please email me.

      What you need to do

      This is an interesting experiment on my part because we are using one OnDemand instance, which you all have admin access to. Please be nice to one another and only play with workflows/projects/objects that you create.

      1. You will have been sent an email with credentials to an JIRA test instance - https://admin-feedback.jira-dev.com/ (your passwords are your usernames. Feel free to change them if you wish)
      2. Create a workflow
      3. Play around with the new designer functionality
      4. Give us feedback!

      Thanks in advance for any feedback or thoughts you have!

      Best Regards,

      Things that were in the old designer, but won't be implemented in the new designer
      • Clone transition
      • Annotations

      Bugs that have been picked up by this program
      • Creating a status with a long name fails without a proper specification of why. I tried to give it a name of about 65k letters. Perhaps add a maxlength to the textbox?
      • Sometimes when going into full screen mode, the tooltip is moved to the top leftmost part of the screen (see attached screenshot).
      • FIXED When I drag a status off the drawing area, the status stops at the edge of the drawing area. If I release the mouse button and move the mouse back onto the drawing area, the status follows me around.
      • If I can't add a new transition to a draft workflow, then the designer should know that and not let me do it graphically, then ask for name+description, before giving an error message.
      • FIXED it is possible to move the transition label "Create issue".
      • FIXED When scrolling down the page, the workflow designer zooms (fix is in progress for this)
      • FIXED You can add a status, but it is hard to find where it appeared unless you zoom way out
      • FIXED When moving statuses, the cursor doesn't change to a "cross with arrows"
      • FIXED "Create issue" transition can be moved
      • FIXED Blue snap to object lines try to snap to everything (a fix is in progress for this )

        1. 2 nodes on the side.jpg
          12 kB
          Paul Bouchaut
        2. AllOffCenter.png
          1 kB
          Nicklas Kittelmann
        3. image-2023-07-04-18-20-42-401.png
          44 kB
          Anusha Rutnam
        4. Jira6Workflow.jpg
          152 kB
        5. jira-plugin-alkaes-workflows-tools-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
          80 kB
          Vincent Thoulé
        6. PDU_WiFi_IssueWorkflow.jpg
          158 kB
        7. SavedWorkflow.png
          61 kB
          Nicklas Kittelmann
        8. screenshot-1.png
          44 kB
          Anusha Rutnam
        9. Scrolling.png
          58 kB
          Nicklas Kittelmann
        10. tooltip error.png
          78 kB
          Nicklas Kittelmann
        11. untangle_transitions.jpg
          19 kB
          Paul Bouchaut
        12. ViewingWorkflow.png
          32 kB
          Nicklas Kittelmann
        13. WF.by.Minyaa.png
          255 kB
          Vincent Thoulé
        14. WF.by.WF.Designer.png
          22 kB
          Vincent Thoulé
        15. WF.by.WF.Editor.png
          55 kB
          Vincent Thoulé

              Unassigned Unassigned
              jdevenny Josh Devenny
              22 Vote for this issue
              48 Start watching this issue
