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  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-32463

Required "Select List (cascading)" custom field allows user to set child value to None if the field has a default value


    • 448
    • 128
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Cloud. Using JIRA Server? See the corresponding suggestion.

      Atlassian update: Dec 2023

      Hi all, thank you for your continued interest in this ticket. There's been some discussion on whether this is a feature request or a bug - we've assessed it as a Feature Request:

      There are 2 expected behaviours of this field. On the one hand, we have this ticket open to make it so that both parent and child field values are required. Removing the “None” value will not solve the issue as it is a placeholder option and you would still be able to create an issue without a child value assigned. On the other hand, we have customers who expect that field to work as it does today, that the Parent value is required but the child can be filled in later. This behaviour has existed in Jira Cloud since it was made available.

      Addressing it as a bug would impact the expected behaviour for a significant number of our customers as it would be a feature change for them. Alternatively, we would have to make cascading field select more configurable to support both behaviours, which would be a feature request. Unfortunately, we are unable to work on this at this point in time due to competing priorities. Sorry that this is not better news, we will update this ticket should it be prioritised in the future.

      Currently, when making a cascading select list which has a default designated a required field, the none option is still present and an acceptable value.

      The behavior for this should mimic the select list where the none option is removed once the cascading select is set to required and has a default set.

      This feature request refers to the second value of the Select List (cascading) custom field. It's not possible to leave the first field with a value of "None" but it is possible to do this for the second:

      It should not be possible to leave a value of None for the second field.


      As an alternative, we can use Automation and Smart values to validate that the child value on the Cascading field is not empty and if it is, perform some actions. The steps to create the automation rule are described in the following document: 

        1. screenshot-1.png
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        2. screenshot-2.png
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              684cb16ed833 Carol Low
              itse Ivan Tse
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