Resolution: Unresolved
Sometimes customers need a report where they can check usage stats like for example.
- Which teams, groups, or users are using Jira in a usage percentage
- Are there inactive boards?
- Collaboration stats
- Most worked projects, etc
- Who is using system and when. This would be to justify use of system to management. Would like to show numbers as to how many are actually using the system.
Original Description
Would like to collect and display usage statistics. Who is using system and when. This would be to justify use of system to management. Would like to show numbers as to how many are actually using the system.
5/7/09 Here is an example of a script used to create statistics information on confluence users:
There are no access_logs for confluence. However searching the apache access_log on the proxy shows following for september:
grep '\/confluence\/login\.action' fchssl-access_log.1|wc -l
There may be a combination of GET and POST with login for Confluence.
Thus one would have to cut count about in half.
grep 'GET' temp.txt|wc -l
For jira, it appears that we could get login stats - ie. how many login - by counting number of calles to login.jsp in the access log for tomcat.
grep '\/jira\/login\.jsp' access_log.2008-05-*|wc -l
Ideally we could get statistics from a table with a sql statement such as :
select count(distinct(username)), to_char(calltime,'Mon YYYY')
from apache_access
where calltime>to_date('1-01-2009','MM-DD-YYYY')
and responsecode not in (302,404)
group by to_char(calltime,'Mon YYYY')
So, we'd be recording call-time, username, response code (http response code for call), etc. If there were other types of calls that the site allows, such as calls to perl or php routines or python, etc., you could have a 'url' column, and add to the query a select on the type of ur.
and url like '%.php%'
Sample Output:
587 Apr 2009
1480 Feb 2009
1500 Jan 2009
1459 Mar 2009
and responsecode not in (302,404)
- is duplicated by
JRACLOUD-90256 Add a Jira usage Report
- Closed
- is related to
JRACLOUD-36740 Extend Group administration page to show more use locations
- Gathering Interest
JRASERVER-15907 collect and display usage statistics
- Gathering Interest
- relates to
JRACLOUD-75922 Provide more granularity to storage usage
- In Progress
ACCESS-583 Create usage report tools
- In Progress
JRACLOUD-69121 Provide analytics for third-party apps usage across Jira Cloud
- Gathering Interest
I hope that this will be reconsidered at some point, or at least to enable voting for closed tickets. it does really make sense and also prevents opening of new duplicate tickets.
At this point there is something that does solve the problem to a limited extend, it's called Java Melody which provides some interesting statistics and metrics regarding usage over time.