Issue description
Currently, it is not possible to include an issue attachment using the Send Email action in an automation rule.
Example 1
- Let's assume that an automation rule was configured to use the Send Email action and use the following smart value in the content of the email:
- If a comment is added to a ticket including an attachment as shown below:
- The generated email will include the text from the comment, but it will not render/include the attachment. Instead, a reference to the attachment will be included:
Example 2
- Let's assume that an automation rule was configured to use the Send Email action and use the following smart value in the content of the email:
Issue attachment: {{issue.attachment}}
- If the rule is triggered and the email is sent, the email will contain the attachment metadata (including its link), but not the actual attachment file:
AttachmentBean{self='http://localhost:8081/jira8201/rest/api/2/attachment/11400', id=11400, filename='LocalTest_IssueCreatedFromCreateButton.png', author=UserBean{name='julien', key='JIRAUSER10000', accountId='null', emailAddress='', displayName='Julien Rey', active=true, timeZone='Europe/Helsinki', locale='null'}, created=Tue Jul 11 14:08:01 CEST 2023, size=229915, mimeType='image/png', content='http://localhost:8081/jira8201/secure/attachment/11400/someimage.png'}
Add the ability to include issue attachment when using the Send Email action
- is duplicated by
JIRAAUTOSERVER-610 Ability to add images from comments to emails (refer to images embedded/attached to comments with smart values with image as output)
- Closed
- was cloned as
AUTO-1130 Ability to include ticket attachments and image attachments using Send Mail function
- Gathering Interest
- links to
Ability to send a ticket attachment using Send Mail function
Issue description
Currently, it is not possible to include an issue attachment using the Send Email action in an automation rule.
Example 1
- Let's assume that an automation rule was configured to use the Send Email action and use the following smart value in the content of the email:
- If a comment is added to a ticket including an attachment as shown below:
- The generated email will include the text from the comment, but it will not render/include the attachment. Instead, a reference to the attachment will be included:
Example 2
- Let's assume that an automation rule was configured to use the Send Email action and use the following smart value in the content of the email:
Issue attachment: {{issue.attachment}}
- If the rule is triggered and the email is sent, the email will contain the attachment metadata (including its link), but not the actual attachment file:
AttachmentBean{self='http://localhost:8081/jira8201/rest/api/2/attachment/11400', id=11400, filename='LocalTest_IssueCreatedFromCreateButton.png', author=UserBean{name='julien', key='JIRAUSER10000', accountId='null', emailAddress='', displayName='Julien Rey', active=true, timeZone='Europe/Helsinki', locale='null'}, created=Tue Jul 11 14:08:01 CEST 2023, size=229915, mimeType='image/png', content='http://localhost:8081/jira8201/secure/attachment/11400/someimage.png'}
Add the ability to include issue attachment when using the Send Email action
- is duplicated by
JIRAAUTOSERVER-610 Ability to add images from comments to emails (refer to images embedded/attached to comments with smart values with image as output)
- Closed
- was cloned as
AUTO-1130 Ability to include ticket attachments and image attachments using Send Mail function
- Gathering Interest
- links to