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  1. Jira Align
  2. JIRAALIGN-915

[JIRAALIGN-915] Bi directional Work Item (Issue Sync) - Tag and Label sync is inconsistent


    • 5
    • Severity 2 - Major
    • No

      Issue Summary

      1. When testing Jira Label to Jira Align Tag sync, values added from Jira Labels get synced over to Jira Align Tags, but when Jira Align Tags are given additional values, those values do not get synced over to Jira Labels.
      2. In cases of deletion of a value or values from Jira Labels to Jira Align Tags and vice versa, the deleted value is not removed from the respective tool that it is supposed to sync with - making the values between the two tools inconsistent.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Locate a Work Item in Jira Align that has been Synced with a Jira Issue.
      2. On Jira Align add one or more tags to the defect and Save the changes.
      3. On Jira or Jira Align, remove any existing tags that had been synced previously

      Expected Results

      In step 2, the tag added to Jira Align should sync over to Jira
      In step 3, any tag removed from either to should sync to its counterpart

      Actual Results

      In step 2, the tag added to Jira Align doesn't sync to Jira
      In step 3, the removed tag does sync with its counterpart. In other words, the tag still lingers on the tool where the tag was not manually removed.


      Other than making manual adjustments to tags/labels on Jira or Jira Align, no other workaround exists at this time.

              vdziuba@atlassian.com Vitalii Dziuba (Inactive)
              kbaxley Kent Baxley
              4 Vote for this issue
              20 Start watching this issue
