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  1. Jira Align
  2. JIRAALIGN-5966

Warnings are still appearing on Jira Board after clearing sprint syncing issues


    • 2
    • Severity 3 - Minor
    • No

      Issue Summary

      When the Feature toggle 117 (Show sprint issues on Jira Boards) is enabled, users are still getting the warning message:

      This board has sprint mapping issues, Navigate to the Jira sprints tab on this page to resolve them

      although the sprints causing the sprint issues have been removed/ignored from the board.

      This is reproducible on Data Center: yes

      Steps to Reproduce


      A Jira Board was integrated and synced with Jira Align
      The synchronized Sprints are showing problems/warnings in the 'Jira Sprints' tab shown below:

      1. Click on the 3 dots at the end of the Jira Sprint have a waning
      2. Select the option to "Ignore Sprint from mappings"
      3. Select 'Yes' when asked to confirm
      4. The warnings are all cleared and no more problems are seen:
      5. Go back to the 'Jira Boards' tab

      Expected Results

      The Jira board does not show any 'warning' icon as all the 'problematic sprints' are not part of the board mapping anymore and therefore, no more problems with the board should be reported.

      Actual Results

      The Jira board still shows a 'warning' icon and when hovering on top of it, we can see the message:


      Currently, there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available

        1. image-2023-10-31-11-24-55-046.png
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          Francois Panaget
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          Francois Panaget
        5. image-2023-10-31-11-34-05-820.png
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          Francois Panaget

              fea1a6ef3355 Yannick Genin
              646db21d89d1 Francois Panaget
              6 Vote for this issue
              9 Start watching this issue
