Resolution: Fixed
10.119.3, 10.124.3
Severity 2 - Major
Issue Summary
A blank page is displayed when clicking Add Action button in Objective. The same issue is reproduced in New Navigation.
This is reproducible on Data Center: (yes)
Steps to Reproduce
- Step 1. Go to Program Objectives (The same issue is shown on all Objectives)
- Step 2. Click More Actions button - View Actions
- Step 3. Objectives Actions Grid page is opened and click Add Action button and the blank page is opened.
Expected Results
New Edit/ Eidt Actions page is displayed
Actual Results
Blank page is displayed
- Confirmed it works fine in other instance, the problem occurs on Alignsupport instance
- Checked har file and able to find 500 - Internal Sever Error
- Checked the Splunk and able to find Response Buffer Limit Exceeded
{ [-] ASP_function: Error.asp ErrorId: 3037 PageName: Team Objectives correlationid: A7TiovNm98usTf9+7oe+gA/pdUEZ4eKFYUxOq9q7dec= customer_db: Alignsupport error_aspcode: ASP 0251 error_aspdescription: Execution of the ASP page caused the Response Buffer to exceed its configured limit. error_category: Response object error_column: -1 error_description: Response Buffer Limit Exceeded error_file: /AddQuickAction.asp error_line: 0 error_number: -2147467259 error_source: log_type: exception logfrom_location: Website-ASP timestamp: 2023-05-15T20:28:33.585000-04:00 url: https://alignsupport.jiraalign.com:443/AddQuickAction.asp?IC=1&ActionID=0&FirstTime=True urlverb: GET user: 661751 version: }
Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available
- is duplicated by
JIRAALIGN-5460 Can't add New Item on Action Item Report page
- Closed