Resolution: Fixed
Severity 3 - Minor
Issue Summary
Product Objectives dropdown disappears after hitting Save or "Save&Close" button on Features page.
Steps to Reproduce
- Create a Product from Product Management > Vision or Portfolio > Product
- Create a Vision from Product Management > Vision or Portfolio > Vision
- Make sure to add the product created in step1 in the "Products" field.
- Create one or more "Vision Statements" (aka product objectives)
- Create a Feature or open an existing one
- Assign the feature to the Product that was mapped to the Vision created in the first step.
- Now Product Objectives field appears.
- Select any product objective and click on Save or 'Save&Close'
- After Save Product objectives field is disappearing
Expected Results
Whenever a Product is chosen, the Product Objectives dropdown should be visible always on the Features page
Actual Results
Product Objectives dropdown disappears after hitting Save or "Save&Close" button on the Features page.
Currently, there is no known workaround for this behavior.
- is caused by
JIRAALIGN-4506 Feature: Product Objectives field is not appearing after assigning product
- Closed
- resolves
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