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  1. Jira Align
  2. JIRAALIGN-4612

Capabilities: Inconsistency in role toggles controlling the Links section


    • 2
    • Severity 2 - Major
    • No

      Issue Summary

      • User roles with the "Capability" toggle enabled (no other sub-toggle) can't access the Links section in the Capability details.
      • The user gets a "You Need More Access To View This Page" error message and the "Get Me Out Of Here" button.
      • Users need to enable the Epics toggle ( Administration > Roles > RTE > Portfolio > Manage > Epics ) for that role.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Login/Impersonate as a person with "RTE" roles assigned
      2. Select "ANY Portfolio" in the main filter, nothing else
      3. Click on "Solution" in the left blue menu and select "Capabilities"
      4. Search for Capability with ID-XXXX
      5. Click on that Capability in the resulting list to see the details
      6. Scroll down to the "Links" section (bottom area) - it should show (not expanded!) "Links(1)"
      7. Click on the ">" to expand to be able to see what the link is.

      Expected Results

      Get a list of links, showing only one link and being able to click on that link to open that URL target.

      Actual Results

      The user gets a "You Need More Access To View This Page" error message and the "Get Me Out Of Here" button.


      The users need to enable the Epics toggle ( Administration > Roles > RTE > Portfolio > Manage > Epics ) for that role.

            dfuller@atlassian.com Don Fuller
            2d9e3a4549ac Niyazi Fellahoglu
            1 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue
