Resolution: Fixed
Hey, Team
It would be great if the table "Idea" recorded the information about the product that the user selects when creating an idea into ideation.
select * from current_dw.Idea where Idea.[Idea ID] = 97
Idea ID | Idea Title | Idea Description | Idea Group Name | Idea Status | Customer Name | Category Name | Category Short Name | Functionality Name | Impact Text | Scenario Text | Public Flag | External Created By Flag | External Owner Flag | Creator Full Name | Owner Full Name | Parent Object Type | Parent Object Name | Parent Object Relationship Type | Rank Long Term | Rank Near Term | Date Created | FK Idea Group ID | FK User Created By ID | FK User External Created By ID | FK User Owner ID | FK User External Owner ID | FK Agile Object ID | FK Epic ID | FK Capability ID | FK Feature ID | FK Story ID |
97 | LUIZ | LUIZ | Enio group | New | Company A | Enhancement | ER | No | No | No | Luiz Felipe Arruda | Luiz Felipe Arruda | 9999 | ############ | 19 | 661822 | 0 | 661822 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Currently, in current_dw.Idea and export_dw.Idea we can't get the information about the product that was related to the idea. It will only work if the idea is related to a feature, then we can join the tables idea, feature, and product.