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Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Align'
  1. Jira Align
  2. JIRAALIGN-3967

Roadmaps - Features by capabilities are not showing child count

    • Severity 3 - Minor
    • No

      Issue Summary

      Roadmap, Capabilities by Epics child count doesn't work when

      • Tier 1 has a portfolio set up
      • Epic By capabilities option
      • Child Feature are multiprogram but the main program doesn't belong to the portfolio filtered in Tier 1 (Only the additional Program are part of the Portifolio in Tier 1)

      Follow a Picture as example:

      Steps to Reproduce

      1.  Create a Feature with the following values
        1. Multi-Program: 
          1. Primary Program A from Portfolio BLUE
          2. Additional Programs, program B from Portfolio RED
        2. Parent Capability C, must belong to program B
      2. Go to Roadmaps, filter Tier 1 by  Portfolio RED and Feature PI
        # Use Epic by capability option
        # Note that the column Items will be zero even having one child feature under the capability
      1. Step 2

      Expected Results

      Roadmap Column "Items" should count all the child Issues

      Actual Results

      Roadmap Column "Items" is not counting child issues over the circumstances explained above



      Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. 

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.
            Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Align'
            1. Jira Align
            2. JIRAALIGN-3967

            Roadmaps - Features by capabilities are not showing child count

              • Severity 3 - Minor
              • No

                Issue Summary

                Roadmap, Capabilities by Epics child count doesn't work when

                • Tier 1 has a portfolio set up
                • Epic By capabilities option
                • Child Feature are multiprogram but the main program doesn't belong to the portfolio filtered in Tier 1 (Only the additional Program are part of the Portifolio in Tier 1)

                Follow a Picture as example:

                Steps to Reproduce

                1.  Create a Feature with the following values
                  1. Multi-Program: 
                    1. Primary Program A from Portfolio BLUE
                    2. Additional Programs, program B from Portfolio RED
                  2. Parent Capability C, must belong to program B
                2. Go to Roadmaps, filter Tier 1 by  Portfolio RED and Feature PI
                  # Use Epic by capability option
                  # Note that the column Items will be zero even having one child feature under the capability
                1. Step 2

                Expected Results

                Roadmap Column "Items" should count all the child Issues

                Actual Results

                Roadmap Column "Items" is not counting child issues over the circumstances explained above



                Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. 

                        cf8eef1a9e6f Evan Kroeger
                        f58471712ff6 Victor Fragoso
                        Affected customers:
                        2 This affects my team
                        8 Start watching this issue


                            cf8eef1a9e6f Evan Kroeger
                            f58471712ff6 Victor Fragoso
                            Affected customers:
                            2 Vote for this issue
                            8 Start watching this issue
