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  1. Jira Align
  2. JIRAALIGN-3949

Jira Connector: After renaming a Team, JA will not allow a new board to be added with the old name


    • 2
    • Severity 3 - Minor
    • No

      Issue Summary

      When you have a board integrated on JA with a Team, If you change the Team Name JA will recognize it, and the change will appear on the Jira Management > Jira Board, but if you try to add a new Board using the Old Team Name, it will throw an error stating that the name already exists.
      See the example below, where the Team was named "Diego Agile Team 4", and even after it was changed to "Diego Agile Team 4 (Archived)", JA will not allow a new board to be integrated with a team named "Diego Agile Team 4" (that at this point is a new and unique name):

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Have a team <> board integrated on JA
      2. Rename the team to something else
      3. Try to add a board with the old team name

      Expected Results

      As the Team name was changed, the old name could be used.

      Actual Results

      An error is thrown when you try to use the old name.


      To work around this:

      1. Create a team with an underscore (or another symbol) on the name that is different than the older one (like, instead of "Diego Agile Team 4", uses "Diego_Agile_Team_4")
      2. Map the desired board to this this
      3. Let the sync happens
      4. Go to the Team > Teams page, select the Team created and update its name to remove the symbols and save

        1. team_1.png
          548 kB
          Diego Larangeira
        2. team_2.png
          139 kB
          Diego Larangeira
        3. team_3.png
          266 kB
          Diego Larangeira
        4. team_4.png
          624 kB
          Diego Larangeira

            eac07d2d8a35 Roman Koshovskyi
            a8cff3407f0b Diego Larangeira
            1 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
