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  1. Jira Align
  2. JIRAALIGN-3069

Jira Connector: Release Vehicle Name is pushed to Jira when a Feature is updated


    • 1
    • Severity 3 - Minor
    • No

      Issue Summary

      When a Release Vehicle is synced with Jira Fix Version, if the dates of it are changed to don't fall within the dates of the Program Increment, the sync of Names between them will stop to work, but if the Name is changed on the Release Vehicle on JA, and an update is made on a Feature associated with it, the Name will be pushed to Jira and overwrites it. The same doest happen if you update the Name on Jira side and update the associated Feature on its side, on this case the Name is not pushed to JA.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a Fix Version that has the begin/end date inside the Program Increment
      2. Let it sync to JA
      3. Add a Feature to this Fix Version
      4. Let it sync to JA
      5. Change the End Date of the FV to not fall within the PI (the sync will stop from Jira-> Ja on this point)
      6. Change the name of the FV on JA, save
      7. Edit the Feature on JA and save
      8. JA will push the new FV name to Jira

      Expected Results

      To be defined by the Product team

      Actual Results

      If the Name of the RV is changed on JA and an associated Feature updated, the name will be pushed to Jira.
      If the Name of the FV is changed on Jira and an associated Feature is updated, the name is not pushed to JA.


      Syncing the dates on the Fix Version on Jira side to fall within the dates of the Primary Program will stop this (but on this case any change to the Name will be synced).

            eac07d2d8a35 Roman Koshovskyi
            a8cff3407f0b Diego Larangeira
            1 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
