Issue Summary
PUT call towards /align/api/2/Users/<id> renders wrong team role in UI
Given roleID(15) = “Business Owner”, the UI is incorrectly displaying “Portfolio Member”.
Audit log shows “Business Owner” as expected.
GET call also shows “Business Owner” as expected.
Steps to Reproduce
- Update user's team membership via API by parsing the following request body:
(replace values with valid data on your instance)PUT /align/api/2/Users/<id>
{ "email": "", "title": "U1S1 Test", "roleId": 9, "firstName": "User1", "lastName": "Scenario1", "isExternal": 0, "divisionId": 24, "regionId": 11, "cityId": 25, "costCenterId": 1, "teams": [ { "teamId": 1384, "roleId": 15 } ] }
- Browse to the Users grid, then open User Details slide out
- Notice incorrect team role displayed, under Teams tab
- Click Audit Log and notice team role is correctly displayed
- Make a GET call and notice team role is correctly displayed
{ (...) "teams": [ { "teamId": 1384, "teamName": "rjc Portfolio (standard) Team", "teamType": 5, "roleId": 15, "roleName": "BusinessOwner" } ], "self": "" }
Expected Results
The User Details slide-out should display “Business Owner” team role.
Actual Results
The User Details slide-out display team role as “Portfolio Member” instead of “Business Owner”
- Manually select an appropriate role in the dropdown.
- relates to
ALIGNSP-9607 Loading...
- resolves
PS-68846 Loading...