Resolution: Fixed
Severity 3 - Minor
Batman! - SCORP6
Issue Summary
We have found that there is some inconsistency between the average velocity between the 3 locations Team Room, Capacity Planning, & Backlog. Please see the screenshots attached showing the discrepancy. Keep in mind the team velocity wasn't overridden at all.
Steps to Reproduce
- Step- Compare average team velocity for a team iteration for the following areas.
- Capacity Planning
- Team Room
- Backlog
Expected Results
1. Capacity Planning, Team Room, and Backlog should display "Average Velocity" as the average sum of accepted stories from the last 5 completed sprints (including the selected sprint in the dropdown if it's one of the team's last 5 completed sprints)
2. The "Avg Velocity" field on the sprint panel should only display a read-only value of the "Average Velocity" value from #1
3. "Override velocity" field should be added to sprint panel right below "Avg Velocity". This value should be linked to "Override" value on backlog (list and kanban views). So if a user enters a number value on the "Override velocity" field on panel, it will render on the backlog "Override" and vice versa
Actual Results
We are seeing different average velocity totals
- is related to
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- mentioned in
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