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  1. Jira Align
  2. JIRAALIGN-1231

[JIRAALIGN-1231] Scope Change: Removed Features doesn't appear in the report


    • 5
    • Severity 3 - Minor
    • Stubborn Dragons - RHP8, Stubborn Dragons - USH3, Stubborn Dragons - USH6, Stubborn Dragons - BBSH

      Issue Summary

      Scope Change: Removed Features doesn't appear in the report

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Login. 
      2. Add Feature to any PI. 
      3. Assign Feature to different PI. 
      4. Go to Scope change Report. 
      5. Check if Feature appears in the respective section. 

      Expected Results

      If a feature was added before the PI started, then removed after the PI started, it should appear in the. removed section with no lozenge. 

      If a feature was added to PI after the start of the PI, then removed, it should appear in the "Removed" section. For these features that were not committed to PI before the start, show a blue lozenge to the right of their name that says  "NOT COMMITTED"

      Actual Results

      The feature doesn't appear in Scope Change Report>Features removed from the Release


      Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available

        1. Not_commited_lozenge.png
          46 kB
        2. In progress.png
          In progress.png
          2 kB

              cgottlieb@atlassian.com Caz (Inactive)
              rpetrunyak@atlassian.com Roman Petrunyak (Inactive)
              1 Vote for this issue
              12 Start watching this issue
